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Finding Solace in Marseille

Finding Solace in Marseille

After a rough week in the states, we arrived in Marseille to celebrate Christmas.

Like every American, it’s been hard to process the incident that happened at sandy hook. It took the stability out of life.

2012 itself was a rocky year. It was not the only shooting, there was a massive hurricane by the same name that changed the landscape of our country forever. There are also fears about the mayan calendar and the world ending.

And honestly, doesn’t it feel that way? When innocence is in danger at random– through weather, through violence. What happens to us?

In every disney movie, isn’t this where the good people get together to conquer evil? Don’t we rise up and stop the bad guys?

What does that mean after this year?

What are we doing to help our environment… really? And what can we do to stop violence?

I’m asking myself these questions. I’m vowing that in 2013, I don’t just hope that something happens. It will take each person moving the dial in their homes to turn back what we have been powering through.

This week, challenged me religiously. It was so hard to sing my favorite carol, “Oh come let us adore Him.” It choked in my throat. How horrible is that? How terrible of me to say or to admit.

I knew I needed His help. God never promised us that bad things would not happen in our lives. But He promised us that when they did, he would help us through them.

While reading through Psalms in the Message Bible:

God, put an end to evil,
avenging God, show your colors
Judge of the earth, take your stand
throw the book at the arrogant.

God, the wicked get away with murder-
how long will you let this go on?
They brag and boast
and crow about the crimes!

They walk all over your people, God,
exploit and abuse your precious people.
They take out anyone who gets in their way,
if they can’t use them, they kill them.
They think, “God isn’t looking,
Jacob’s God is out to lunch.”

Well, think again, you idiots,
fools-how long before you get smart?
Do you think Ear-Maker doesn’t hear,
Eye-Shaper doesn’t see?
Do you think the trainer of nations doesn’t correct,
the teacher of Adam doesn’t know?
God knows, all right–
knows your stupidity,
sees your shallowness.

How blessed the man you train God,
the woman you instruct in your Word,
providing a circle of quiet within the clamor of evil,
while a jail is being built for the wicked.
God will never walk away from his people,
never desert his precious people.
Rest assured that justice is on it’s way.
and every good heart put right.

Who stood up against the wicked?
Who took my side against evil workers?
If God hadn’t been there for me,
I never would have made it.
The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,”
your love, God took hold and held me fast.
When I was upset and beside myself,
you calmed me down and cheered me up.

Thank you God, for calming me down. I know these children are with you, under your arm, surrounded in your amazing love. I trust you, and I will use my talents that you gave me to help better your world.


My Flag

My Flag

Taken in Fayence, France, this is truly my core, “my flag”. Water, swimming… has taken me to where I want to go in my life. Now, it is one of my greatest sources of joy. This photo will be in the PRC auction this Saturday night.  http://www.bu.edu/prc/


Contemporary Art

Contemporary Art

A piece from my show, this Friday night, April 27th–ELEVIN Studios, 15 Channel Street. Come see the Gallery of Innocence by myself and Becky Levin. 6:00-9:00.


I first was introduced to the Epiphany school by a friend who gave me a tour. I was utterly moved by the work that was being done at this school and wanted to be involved.

I’ve worked for many non-profits, but this one worked differently.

In the fall, I asked to take some photos. I kept returning and returning. I loved being there. I loved being with the kids. And my photos weren’t representing how I was feeling about what was happening there. They just couldn’t “live” the work that was playing out each day.

Anything great needs lots of resources. Money, talent, facilities, training— but Epiphany’s greatest resource is the love that each educator in that building possesses. And they possess a lot. They are capable of enormous amounts of love and this is directed at these children, who crave this. And not just the easy love, but there is tough love too. The kids are there from 7am to 7pm Monday through Saturday. It’s the building blocks and support they need to get out of their fragile backgrounds and have the courage to believe in their dreams and act on them.

I will always be a fan of this school and a supporter.

Photographic Resource Center Student Exhibit

This Thursday, the 14th, one of my photos from “Fabulous Families” will be featured at the PRC of Boston in their annual student show.

“Tess” will be hanging on their walls.

If you are in the area, the show will be in progress for the next month. 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston.

Summer Photos


I guess it took a homework assignment to put some photos of the summer together in one place.  It was a great summer.

Seeing the life in pink.



Earthlings on my lap.

We were in Paris this weekend.  As you can see I was inspired by Richard Kalvar.  I had his book on my lap for the 6 hour flight.  I had hoped to have him sign it at the Sally Mann Vernissage, but we missed each other by 5 minutes.  Still it was fun to look through the lens and see fun juxtapositions.

Neiman’s photography show for the cure.

The photography show being held for the cure for breast cancer is now up in the Copley store.  The auction will be held on November 3rd where all proceeds go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  Please come and show your support.

Elephants on Memorial Drive



With the Greatest Show on Earth hitting Boston this week, the circus started with a parade of their elephants.


Susan G. Komen Art for the Cure Exhibit at Neimans

Some of my work will be highlighted along with 9 other photographers at this year’s Susan G. Komen for the Cure exhibit at the Copley Neimans from October 12th through November 3rd.
The theme for the work was very broad.  We were asked to submit work about “beauty”.


I submitted 6 photos for the curator to pick 3.  For me beauty is found in the every day of my children.  Not at a birthday or at Christmas where everyone is expected to be happy…. but at breakfast, or brushing their hair.  The photo, “Mom’s Closet” was shot when I caught my daughter trying on my shoes, jewelery and wearing my high heels in my closet.  It was just so delightful to see her finding so much joy in wearing the same things as her Mom.  Dreaming she was older.  

“Dressing Room” was shot when I realized my daughter was growing out of her size 8 clothes and needed new clothes in a size 10.  I had a hard time thinking that she needed to be in size 10 clothes.  It was the first time that she had ever tried on clothes in a dressing room.  Usually, I just bought the clothes and brought them home.  I loved seeing her primping in the mirror, and her sister bored to death sprawled out on the floor.

The last photo, “Ophelia” was the first shot I set up with my daughter.  We were in Cannes on the Ile St. Honorat where we go to church in the summer.  There is a big castle off the island and I just loved the idea of her playing Ophelia in front of the castle… that sad story of a girl trying to be everything for her prince, afraid she wouldn’t live up to his desires.  Mentally, taking notes to make sure the girls know themselves well enough to try not to be something they are not.  But it was a nice moment with Chloe.  We had fun, and it was the first “made” picture that we did together.  I am always moved by this island in Cannes and it’s beauty which is why I submitted the photo.